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2016 Saudi Budget

Budget Report

The governments budget for the 2016 fiscal year (31 December 2015 to 30 December 2016) was endorsed by the Council of Ministers on 28th December. It points to a sustained commitment in maintaining a high level of spending on the economy despite the continued environment of lower oil prices. The government has budgeted for a SR326 billion deficit in nominal terms, based on revenues of SR514 billion and expenditures of SR840 billion. The deficit will continue to be financed using a combination of Saudi Arabian Monetary Agencys (SAMA) huge stock of net foreign assets, and domestic debt.

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2012 Budget

Budget Report

2012 Budget

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2012 Saudi Budget

Budget Report

Another expansionary budget was announced for 2012. The budget highlights the government's intention to continue to stimulate the economy. Budgeted spending and revenues were both at all-time highs. Spending priorities are consistent with previous years.

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2013 Saudi Arabia s Budget

Budget Report

2013 Saudi Arabia s Budget

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2013 Saudi Budget

Budget Report

Saudi Arabia's 2013 budget which issued yesterday 29 December was another expansionary budget that will play an important role in supporting the economy.

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