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Economic updates

Our in-depth, independent reports cover the macroeconomic environment, the Saudi government’s annual budget, and Saudi Arabia’s monetary and financial developments, labor market, and inflation.

Royal decrees, regional unrest and the Saudi economy

Macroeconomic report

The Middle East is going through a period of turmoil that is affecting the economies of all countries in the region, regardless of whether they have touched by unrest. In response, oil prices have shot up and foreign investors have become more cautious. At the same time, two royal decrees have been issued in the Kingdom that entail large new spending commitments.

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The Saudi economy in 2011

Macroeconomic report

The Saudi economy is expected to strengthen in 2011. Economic growth will rise, financial conditions will get better, inflation will be contained and the budget will remain in surplus.

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Feature: Saudi Arabia’s economic outlook for 2008

Macroeconomic report

We expect economic performance to remain strong in 2008. Growth in the non-oil economy will pick up its fastest rate since the early 1980s and higher oil prices and production will cause the budget and current account surpluses to increase from already exceptionally robust levels. However, inflation is forecast to rise further.

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Feature: New data highlight economic trends

Macroeconomic report

Newly published detailed economic data for 2007 highlights the strength of the Saudi economy last year and illustrates the challenges it faces over the next few years.

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Feature: Is the Saudi economy growing?

After examining the available evidence, we therefore think that the non-oil sector has been stagnant so far this year. We expect an improvement over the rest of the year as the effects of strong government spending flow through the economy. Nonetheless, we have cut our projection for non-oil growth and expect the economy as a whole to contract this year in real terms.

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Showing 201 to 205 of 680 results

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