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Economic updates

Our in-depth, independent reports cover the macroeconomic environment, the Saudi government’s annual budget, and Saudi Arabia’s monetary and financial developments, labor market, and inflation.

Feature: Is the Saudi economy growing?

After examining the available evidence, we therefore think that the non-oil sector has been stagnant so far this year. We expect an improvement over the rest of the year as the effects of strong government spending flow through the economy. Nonetheless, we have cut our projection for non-oil growth and expect the economy as a whole to contract this year in real terms.

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Market Research

Macroeconomic report

An examination of investment themes and stock market performance.

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Economic Research

Macroeconomic report

In-depth reports on key economic issues.

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Feature: Economy hit by family business problems

The recovery of the Kingdoms economy has been set back by problems at one prominent local family business and an associated businessman. In addition to these two groups it seems that several other family groups are stressed financially.

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With Jadwas research, you can access all the critical market intelligence you need to make the most informed investment decisions. Our research capabilities cover the local and regional economies and stock markets, specific business sectors, industries and individual companies listed on these markets, as well various global issues with a direct bearing on local and regional markets, such as the world oil market.

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Showing 206 to 210 of 680 results

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