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Economic updates

Our in-depth, independent reports cover the macroeconomic environment, the Saudi government’s annual budget, and Saudi Arabia’s monetary and financial developments, labor market, and inflation.

The outlook for unconventional oil and gas production- Focus on tight oil and shale gas and it's impact on Saudi Arabia

Over the last few years, the rapid increase of tight oil and shale gas production in the US has brought about a significant change to the global energy landscape. Following our publication on &ldquo;Saudi Arabias coming oil and fiscal challenge&rdquo; in July 2011, we decided to update our view on how this transformation in the energy sector could impact the Kingdoms future standing in the worlds energy markets. By reviewing many of specialized public domain industry information, we conclude that tight oil production should not significantly affect Saudi Arabias situation and that shale gas production may merely induce Saudi petrochemical firms to expand production in the US. Full Report <a rel="nofollow" href="http://{{siteurlwithoutprotocol}}/en/media/get/20140428_jadwa-booklet-Unconventional-oil-and-gas-production.pdf"> Download pdf</a> Summary Report

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The Outlook for Unconventional Oil Gas Production English

Oil market report

The Outlook for Unconventional Oil Gas Production English

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Quarterly GDP update: Oil sector pulls overall growth down in Q1-13

Oil market report

Latest economic growth data released this week show a real economic growth of 2.1 percent down from 4.4 percent in the fourth quarter last year. The slowdown was fairly broad based, with only government services growing at a faster pace than in the fourth quarter. Nonetheless, most sector of the economy grew with the exception of oil sector. We assume that year-on-year economic growth will ease further in the second quarter owing to lower growth in oil production. Other sectors of the economy will benefit from solid local fundamentals.

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Q2-13 GDP: Growth picks up despite falling oil GDP

Latest economic growth data released this week show a real economic growth of 2.7 percent up from 2.1 percent in the first quarter, but down from 5.5 percent in the second quarter last year. While this reading marks the second lowest quarterly growth since the first quarter of 2011, the low growth is mainly due to falling oil output. Non-oil growth picked up to 4.5 percent form 4.4 percent for both previous quarter and the same period last year with government services, construction and retail sector leading the growth. We expect year-on-year economic growth to pick up in the third quarter as the contribution of the oil sector improves.

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Near-term prospects for oil prices and the Saudi economy in 2012.

Presented to the Society of Petroleum Engineers. This set of slides looks at the outlook for oil prices and the Saudi economy over 2012 and touches on key longer-term issues.

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Showing 281 to 285 of 680 results

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