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Economic updates

Our in-depth, independent reports cover the macroeconomic environment, the Saudi government’s annual budget, and Saudi Arabia’s monetary and financial developments, labor market, and inflation.

Feature: Oil Market Developments Boost Economic Outlook

Oil market report

Recent oil market developments have improved the economic outlook for Saudi Arabia. Oil prices hit all-time highs in late September despite Opec agreeing to increase production quotas. High prices and rising production will lift economic growth and the budget and external surpluses, and will provide a very healthy backdrop for the non-oil sector.

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Feature: Q4 results highlight impact of global turmoil

Fourth quarter earnings of companies listed on the Saudi stock market clearly illustrate that the global financial crisis and ensuing recession has had an immediate impact

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Feature: Falling dollar lifts oil price comfort zone.

Oil prices have jumped to two-year highs primarily because of the weakness of the US dollar. Seemingly in response to this dollar depreciation, the Kingdom appears to have lifted the ceiling on its preferred level for oil prices.

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Feature:Falling dollar lifts oil price comfort zone.

Oil prices have jumped to two-year highs primarily because of the weakness of the US dollar. Seemingly in response to this dollar depreciation, the Kingdom appears to have lifted the ceiling on its preferred level for oil prices.

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Jadwa Co-Investment Fund (Saudi Lube Oil)

Oil market report

This Fund enables its unit holders to obtain a beneficial ownership interest in equity of Saudi Aramco Lubricating Oil Refining Company (LubeRef.) LubeRef is the dominant base oils manufacturer in the GCC. The company produces more than 1 million metric tons of base lube oils, asphalt, naphtha and other products at its refineries in Jeddah and Yanbu. The fast-growing Saudi market represents 60 percent of its sales. Unit holders of the Fund receive pro-rata dividends distributed by LubeRef and expect to benefit from an eventual exit by way of IPO or sale to a third party. This is a closed-end fund already closed in 2007 and appears here for record only.

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Showing 291 to 295 of 680 results

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