Jadwa Investment Company Announces an Invitation to Attend the Meeting of Unitholders (First Meeting) of Jadwa REIT Saudi Fund
Mon, 30 August 2021
Jadwa Investment Company (“Fund Manager”) in its capacity as the manager of Jadwa REIT Saudi Fund (the “Fund”) invites the Fund’s unitholders to attend the meeting of the unitholders, to be held by means of modern technology using “Tadawulaty” system in order to ensure the safety of dealers in the capital market and to be in line with the precautionary measures in meeting the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19) Thursday at 6:30 PM (18:30) on 25/01/1443H corresponding to 02/09/2021G.
Date of the meeting: 2021-09-02 Corresponding to 1443-01-25
Place of the meeting: The meeting will be held remotely using Tadawulaty system
Time of the meeting: 18:30
Hyperlink of the Meeting Location:
- Voting on the increasing of the total value of the Fund’s assets by three hundred and seventy million (370,000,000) Saudi Riyals through the offering of additional units with the aim of acquiring an additional real estate asset and paying the related expenses and costs.
(2) Voting on the supplementary annex of the terms and conditions of the Fund published on 10/01/1443H corresponding to 18/08/2021G, which have been fundamentally prepared to reflect the increase in the total value of the Fund’s assets. The supplementary annex of the terms and conditions of the Fund can be viewed through the following link:
Additional information
For this meeting to be valid, a number of unitholders who own at least 25% of the value of the units registered in the register of unitholders at the Securities Depository Center (Edaa Center) must be present at the end of the trading session that precedes the Fund unitholders meeting.
The electronic voting for unitholders registered in the Tadawulaty services website on the meeting’s agenda will start from Sunday 10:00 AM (18:30) on 21/01/1443H corresponding to 29/08/ 2021G until Thursday 6:30 PM (18:30) on 25/01/1443H corresponding to 02/09/ 2021G. Registration and voting in Tadawulaty services will be available free of charge to all the Fund’s unitholders by using the following link:
Therefore, the Fund Manager anticipates that all the Fund’s unitholders will register in the Tadawulaty service to participate and vote remotely on the meeting's agendas. In the event of having inquiries or questions related to the meeting's agendas, please contact customer services through the following phone number: (+966112791111) and e-mail: (