Addendum Announcement from Jadwa Investment Company regarding the Occurrence of a Specific Event for Jadwa REIT Saudi Fund
Tue, 07 September 2021
Subject of change:
Following the announcement of Jadwa Investment Company published on 20/07/1442H corresponding to 03/03/2021G regarding the signing of a Sale and Purchase Agreement for Boulevard Riyadh asset (the “Agreement”) on 19/07/1442H corresponding to 03/03/2021G, Jadwa Investment Company wishes to announce that an addendum to the Agreement has been signed on 24/01/1443H corresponding to 01/09/2021G according to which, it was agreed to extend the periods referred to in the Agreement, which are (180) days from the date of the Agreement (the “Original Term”) for an additional (60) days starting from the date of expiry of the Original Term.
The Impact Caused by the Change:
The financial impact of the transaction subject of the Agreement remains unchanged based on the extension referred to in this announcement.
Additional Information
Jadwa Investment Company will disclose any developments in this regard.